You know the drill: insured signs contract, insured doesn’t understand contract, contract obligates insured to pay for something, insured gets angry, insured blames insurer/agent. So goes the never-ending cycle of confusing contacts and contractual liability issues…until now! Join contract and coverage expert Steve Lyon for this in-depth discussion on many issues stemming from “insured contracts” to indemnification agreements to hold harmless provisions and all things in between.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreThis course reviews several exposures associated with various small motor vehicles such as ATVs, kids’ toys, golf carts and lawnmowers. The course will review common ISO policy language that addresses exposures and the options agents may have to close the gaps.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MorePersonal lines insurance pros often face challenges when trying to identify and place exposures unique to high-net-worth individuals. This course is a deep-dive into many such exposures and will assist agents in the risk management process as well as providing needed insurance solutions for such insureds.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreJoin flood guru David Thompson for a discussion on many factors regarding flood insurance and the National Flood Insurance Program. This course follows the general curriculum for flood insurance training as set forth by FEMA. Completion of this course will satisfy FEMA’s 3-hour Basic Flood Insurance Course requirement for agents to sell flood insurance.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreContractor insureds and their agents are all-too-familiar with issues regarding Certificates of Insurance as well as endorsements often requested with them. This course will review many considerations for agents when issuing a certificate and discuss ways to avoid some of the common problems and errors. Issues regarding Additional Insureds, Waivers of Subrogation and other requests frequently made of agents will be discussed.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreThey’re out there. And with a bit of misfortune, some may find their way into your book of business. You already know that insureds and prospects who engage in fraud are bad news but some are harder to spot then others. This course reviews techniques agents can use to identify and deal with insurance fraud. With an abundance of examples and case studies, agents will gain expertise in sniffing out the liars.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreSociety as we know it depends on the trucking industry getting from A to B unscathed. Sometimes, accidents happen. The Motor Carrier Coverage Form (MCCF) is at the core of many Motor Carrier/Trucking accounts. This course takes a deep dive into the Insurance Services Office (ISO) MCCF, exclusions, and conditions. It will emphasize how understanding “who is an insured” shapes the coverage, provide the answer to a variety of coverage questions on the effect of ISO symbols and how exceptions to exclusions provide some surprising expansions of coverage.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreThe Insurance Services Office (ISO) Personal Auto Policy (PAP) is the most frequently written coverage form in our industry. Regardless, this form has many ‘mysteries’ – for both the insurance professional and the policyholder. This presentation will address a few liability concerns in the PAP and will provide information on endorsements that should be considered for nearly every Personal Auto risk.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
Annual transportation policies, Trip Transit policies, Motor Truck Cargo policies and Owners Form Motor Truck Cargo policies – all non-standard policy forms BUT most businesses have a transportation exposure! This course will provide information on the “general” and “usual” policy provisions found in many of these non-standard forms including covered property interests, excluded property, valuations, coinsurance, subrogation and coverage territories.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreThis course reviews many factors of a building’s construction and occupancy and how underwriters use data to determine and classify a property risk. After taking this course, insurance pros will have a better understanding of construction strategy, mitigating risks such as fire and wind, and tools used by property underwriters.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreMany businesses do not carry Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) and some that do have confusing policies with limited coverage. This course begins with a discussion of why ALL businesses big and small must consider EPLI. The course will discuss some important concepts to understand when writing claims made policies and address many employment-related liability exposures faced by today’s employers: discrimination and harassment claims by employees and third parties, employee privacy concerns, retaliation claims, wage and hour claims and more as well as how common EPLI policies address such exposures.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreFor Farm accounts, when is the right time to CGL or not to CGL? This course will include determination of when farm risks are simply not eligible for the Farm Liability (FL) Coverage Form; when using the Commercial General Liability (CGL) Form instead of (or in addition to) the FL is sensible; how to recognize when there is a need for personal liability endorsements available in the program and what endorsements are vital when using the CGL on a farm risk.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreContractor insureds and their agents are all-too-familiar with issues regarding Certificates of Insurance as well as endorsements often requested with them. This course will review many considerations for agents when issuing a certificate and discuss ways to avoid some of the common problems and errors. Issues regarding Additional Insureds, Waivers of Subrogation and other requests frequently made of agents will be discussed.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreThe Insurance Services Office (ISO) Personal Auto Policy (PAP) is the most frequently written coverage form in our industry. Regardless, this form has many ‘mysteries’ – for both the insurance professional and the policyholder. This presentation will address a few physical damage coverage (or as ISO calls it: Part D – Coverage For Damage To Your Auto) concerns in the PAP and will provide information on endorsements that should be considered for nearly every Personal Auto risk.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
Personal lines insurance pros often face challenges when trying to identify and place exposures unique to high-net-worth individuals. This course is a deep-dive into many such exposures and will assist agents in the risk management process as well as providing needed insurance solutions for such insureds.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreJoin flood guru David Thompson for a discussion on many factors regarding flood insurance and the National Flood Insurance Program. This course follows the general curriculum for flood insurance training as set forth by FEMA. Completion of this course will satisfy FEMA’s 3-hour Basic Flood Insurance Course requirement for agents to sell flood insurance.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreJoin instructor David Thompson for a discussion on several common insurance coverage concerns regarding condominiums and learn best practices on how to address them.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreThis course, created and taught by a veteran insurance educator (and one who has personally run the Social Security/Medicare sign-up gauntlet) will reveal lessons learned about both programs and bring much clarity to the chaos. Whether you are seeking info to help a customer, spouse, parent, relative or preparing for your own journey through the retirement “right of passage”, harvest the value of experience and take this course!
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreContractor insureds and their agents are all-too-familiar with issues regarding Certificates of Insurance as well as endorsements often requested with them. This course will review many considerations for agents when issuing a certificate and discuss ways to avoid some of the common problems and errors. Issues regarding Additional Insureds, Waivers of Subrogation and other requests frequently made of agents will be discussed.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreYou know the drill: insured signs contract, insured doesn’t understand contract, contract obligates insured to pay for something, insured gets angry, insured blames insurer/agent. So goes the never-ending cycle of confusing contacts and contractual liability issues…until now! Join contract and coverage expert Steve Lyon for this in-depth discussion on many issues stemming from “insured contracts” to indemnification agreements to hold harmless provisions and all things in between.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreSociety as we know it depends on the trucking industry getting from A to B unscathed. Sometimes, accidents happen. The Motor Carrier Coverage Form (MCCF) is at the core of many Motor Carrier/Trucking accounts. This course takes a deep dive into the Insurance Services Office (ISO) MCCF, exclusions, and conditions. It will emphasize how understanding “who is an insured” shapes the coverage, provide the answer to a variety of coverage questions on the effect of ISO symbols and how exceptions to exclusions provide some surprising expansions of coverage.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreThey’re out there. And with a bit of misfortune, some may find their way into your book of business. You already know that insureds and prospects who engage in fraud are bad news but some are harder to spot then others. This course reviews techniques agents can use to identify and deal with insurance fraud. With an abundance of examples and case studies, agents will gain expertise in sniffing out the liars.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreDave Thompson is on a mission to save Florida from the hordes of misinformed drivers who feel secure with non-stacked Uninsured Motorist coverage. In this course he’ll review stacking vs. non-stacking, why to stack the UM on a single-car policy, how every UM rejection/election form (if you can find it!) can be a potential E&O claim, and more. Join him and together you can save Florida!
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreThe Insurance Services Office (ISO) Personal Auto Policy (PAP) is the most frequently written coverage form in our industry. Regardless, this form has many ‘mysteries’ – for both the insurance professional and the policyholder. This presentation will address a few liability concerns in the PAP and will provide information on endorsements that should be considered for nearly every Personal Auto risk.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
Personal lines insurance pros often face challenges when trying to identify and place exposures unique to high-net-worth individuals. This course is a deep-dive into many such exposures and will assist agents in the risk management process as well as providing needed insurance solutions for such insureds.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreMany businesses do not carry Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) and some that do have confusing policies with limited coverage. This course begins with a discussion of why ALL businesses big and small must consider EPLI. The course will discuss some important concepts to understand when writing claims made policies and address many employment-related liability exposures faced by today’s employers: discrimination and harassment claims by employees and third parties, employee privacy concerns, retaliation claims, wage and hour claims and more as well as how common EPLI policies address such exposures.
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show MoreThis course, created and taught by a veteran insurance educator (and one who has personally run the Social Security/Medicare sign-up gauntlet) will reveal lessons learned about both programs and bring much clarity to the chaos. Whether you are seeking info to help a customer, spouse, parent, relative or preparing for your own journey through the retirement “right of passage”, harvest the value of experience and take this course!
FISCE is the continuing education (CE) credit provider for this course in the following states/territories: Florida. Note to Florida licensees: This course is approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance CE credit. Note for all states/territories: No licensee may repeat this exact course within 24 months for CE credit.
...MORE Show More